
As part of your 1st massage session you get a consultation which last about 10 to 15 min. So please consider this when booking as your session may be a bit longer. If you wish to gain some time please download form, print it, complete it and bring it to the appointment. If you cannot do this, do not worry we will complete it together during your consultation. 

Complicated health history

Get a Dr’s note from your doctor before coming

If you have a complicated health situation or if you are concerned about getting a massage with your medical condition than please get a doctor’s note before coming to make sure you are not refused for treatment. In doubt call me before I will always inform you if you are at risk.  If you want me to provide you with a consent form from your doctor please ask I will be happy to give you one so your doctor can sign it at your next visit or you can download it here.

Lost time

will be taken out of massage time. If you are late please note that the time lost will be deducted from your massage time in order to avoid it impacting on the next client.


No cost will be incurred if you inform me 24h prior. If you cancel later than that £5 will be added to your next session cost.

Pre-treatment information

Please have a shower before your appointment. This will enable you to keep the effect of the essential oils longer ( up to 3 days) but also avoid me losing time (i.e. cleaning your feet). It is also kinder to me 🙂

Precaution and contraindications (can be total or local)

Every treatment has some contraindications and side effects please have a read through them before booking.

  • Fire Cupping:
    • Inflamed skin in the are of treatment
    • Avoid over skin disorder or skin conditions
    • Open wounds or recent trauma
    • Deep Vein Thrombosis
    • Recent surgery
    • Suspected Haemorrhage
    • Heart Conditions (cardiac arrest in the last 6 months)
    • Pregnancy 1st trimestre or complicated pregnancy
    • Haemophilia (low platelets, risk of bleeding)
    • Elderly with fragile, thin skin
    • Adapted treatment for Elderly, young people, diabetic (lighter suctions, shorter time with fix cups).
  • Wet Cupping
    • as above plus below
    • Anaemic and on period
    • Pregnancy
    • Adapted treatment for Elderly, young people, diabetic.

If you have a serious health condition ask your DR. and get a note allowing you to go ahead with treatment

Further information of contraindications:

Cupping therapy, in general, is very safe and has no side-effects. There are a few exceptions, however, and when these are observed the implementation is safe and the benefits are generous. Precaution is necessary when treating patients who may be on anticoagulant drugs, or have an empty stomach, particularly during long fasting periods such as the holy Ramadan month, as fasting temporarily weakens the body’s energy.


Do not employ cupping therapy over the eyes, sunburn or burns in general, open wounds or a recent trauma. During pregnancy, avoid cupping to the lower and upper abdomen; the lower back can be cupped until the sixth month of pregnancy, using Light or Medium cupping methods only.

In patients complaining of lethargy or exhaustion, Empty cupping should be employed for only a very short time. During the Bleeding cupping application, patients on anticoagulant drugs may bleed more than originally calculated. Such patients also mark or bruise more quickly and the skin takes longer to recover to its normal colour. Cupping (Wet or Dry) is contraindicated for extreme Yin-Xu (fluid deficient) people, in people suspected of haemorrhage of any kind, and on tumours of any form, including tuberculosis. Also, cupping of any kind is contraindicated for people who have suffered a cardiac arrest in the last 6 months. Wet cupping is contraindicated for people suffering from haemophilia or extreme anaemia. Avoid Wet cupping over the large veins such as varicose veins.

Source from :

Possible Side Effects / Contra-actions

Contra-actions are a reaction to the treatment and a sign of the body beginning to heal itself often due ti the release and elimination of toxins.

  • redness/ purple patches. You may experience a discoloration of the skin for up to 10 days . It is painless and may happen on certain local area (general considered as a problem area i.e. high toxins, muscles tensions…)
  • Headaches / runny nose
  • dizziness
  • emotional release (laughing / crying) this is normal and can be a sign of you letting go of unwanted emotions
  • Nausea
  • Increased urination
  • perspiration
  • upset stomach
  • aching muscles
  • healing crisis: this is when symptoms worsen for a few hours before you improve again.
Over the next few days, you may notice changes in your;
Bowel and Urinary habits
Sleep Patterns
Mood swings/emotional levels

You may experience;
Skin breakouts
Tiredness and feeling drained or low on energy
General weakness
Excessive flatulence
Excessive release of bodily fluids such as, phlegm, mucus, sweat, urine, spots of pimples, pus, tears (crying).
More energy

After care advice

You must rest after your session. Some people feel energised as other may feel very tired. Listen to your body. If you are energised do not over do it.

  • Avoid direct heat to areas being treated after fire cupping (no sauna)
  • Drink plain or honey water
  • Avoid stimulants: tea, coffee, alcohol and energy drinks.
  • Avoid smoking
  • Have a balanced healthy diet (avoid fast food)
  • Eat dates or fruit immediately after a Hijama treatment. Eat a solid, healthy, balanced home after Hijama treatment.
  • Do not eat red meat for 24 hours.
  • Do not eat dairy food for 24 hours.
  • Skin colouration and incisions (if wet cupping) will heal in 2-­‐10 days.
  • You can have a quick shower rinse. But do not use soap, shampoo or chemicals: for wet cupping
  • Do NOT soak in a bath tub or go swimming for 24 hours after Wet Cupping.
  • You MUST rest after a session. Do NOT physically over exert yourself, do exercise, chores etc at all. You can sleep if you need to.
  • Do NOT engage in marital relations for 24 hours after any type of cupping.
  • Do regular, moderate light exercise after 24 hours and make this a regular routine.
  • Try to relax, pray, and think positive thoughts. Keep a daily journal and make notes of your progress.